Monday, June 21, 2010


WooHoo, I loaded these in super quick time,

then blogger chucked a spaz

and kicked me out....twice.

Anyhow, these are just a couple of

the pics I took on Saturday arv

at Wallaga Lake.

Love the sky and all the different

colours in the hills of the next two.

They were taken about 20 mins apart,

such a difference in colours.

The next two were taken facing the other

way, through the lens it was

hard to tell where the water ended

and the sky began.

They are pretty crooked but I lost

too much of the pic trying to edit them.

I hate double spacing..........

Now what have I been up to lately.

Not an aweful lot I am afraid.

I did go and do a course with Adult Ed

for 3 days last week.

What did I learn, um, that I

already knew what they were teaching me,

that I really would like to have windows 7,

and that I really would love to have

a laptop so I could play with it at work.

Is the course going to magically help

me find a paying job, not likely.

We done Word, Excel and Outlook.

Unless there was an office job somewhere

it is not something that I will be

using often.

Did I already mention that I

HATE double spacing.


Alyssa said...

Sue absolutly beautiful photo's :)

Linda Eggleton said...

Fabulous photos Sue :)

bronnyk said...

Gorgeous photos Sue!!!!