Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 160/365

I really don't have anything worthwhile today,

I worked all day and didn't really get a chance to

take a photo. I wish I had of thought to use

the video to capture the clouds,

the sky was a pretty blue, and these

angry looking black clouds were just flying

past. We were expecting winds up to 30 knots,

I don't think they were that on the ground but up

high it was going very fast.

Sheri has set me a photo task for tomorrow,
I am not sure how I will get on, but
I will do my best, I wont say what it is
in case I cant do it, and have to bum out.
I have got a whole lot of end of year bookwork
to do first so I will see how I go.
Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the comments
from yesterday, I agree they were pretty good
pics too, puts these feeble efforts to shame.
Be good, enjoy your night,
hope one of you won something on lotto.


Alyssa said...

Wow those clouds are gorgeous Sue :)

CreativeMe68 said...

Ohhh I must have missed this post, hope you are getting your sleep in this morning...I just wanna let you know I have left you some lovin over on my blog please enjoy! Luv Shaz xoxo