Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 36/365
I think I have created a monster.
Tiff and I have started making after
dinner 'photo' time. It seems that all my
photos are sunsets.
I might have to take the time on the way
to work to catch something different.

I would like to take a nice sun shiny day
pic, but it seems that the sun never shines
here anymore. Maybe tomorrow.

These 3 photos were all taken tonight,
within about 1/2 hr of each other.
It is certainly weird how different they
all turned out.
Looking at the last one gives
me plenty of ideas for some more pics though.
If I had of known the sun would do that to the
water I would have checked it out sooner.
And next time I will take the tripod with me,
I rested the camera on a fencepost
to take this pic.
Catch you all again tomorrow night.


Tara said...
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Tara said...

groovy pics. love the bottom one.
last post was deleted by me, real bad spelling mistakes!