Monday, May 18, 2009

Small addition to the post.
I forgot I was going to tell you what
we had for dinner.
I gave Tiff the choice, she could have
anything she wanted tonight.
She asked for............wait for it.......
Tuna casserole.
Can you believe it, I tried tempting
her with all sorts of yummy things,
and her choice was a toss-up between,
Tuna casserole and Quiche.
We didn't even have salad or anything,
just that.........
Funny child.


vicmbee said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIFF... I just asked Jess what she wanted for her birthday tea all I got was a shrug.. you must make a mean tuna casserole then... karen had the best request a tomato was all she wanted on one of her birthdays..ours is usually chips.. love the cake you made.. very clever marshmellow flowers..

CreativeMe68 said...

Happy Birthday Tiff....Left you a Birthday post over on my blog! I am sorry to say this but of all the yummy foods to wish Mum make you for your birthday dinner and you ask for cat food LOL he he Ha Ha, ohhhhh Sorry Tuna casserole!!! Hope you enjoyed your yummy dinner with your family. Your cake looked yummy good on you Mum!!! Luv Shaz xoxo